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ADVERTISERS Endings Are Beginings ET Visitors Speak Vol 2 Handbook for Healers

New & Notable - February 2010

Transition Now

Transition Now
Lee Carroll & Kryon, Patricia Cori & the Sirian High Council and Pepper Lewis & Gaia

Spiritual seekers everywhere know it: The world is changing rapidly. The guidance in this book teaches us how to recognize the interdimensional energies in our 3D world. As governments shift, economies are pruned and systems fail. Here are hopeful instructions for how to celebrate the failure of the old as it makes way for the new, how to balance our energy and that of the planet and how to meet the future—which is now.

$18.95, 249 pp.
ISBN-13: 978-1-157863-474-3

Heroes, Sages and Madmen

Heroes, Sages and Madmen
A. Roy Horn

While this may not be a book for everyone, its potent message is about everyone. In seventy-nine direct and revealing conversations about the secret teachings, attitudes, humor and understanding of spiritual heroes, sages and madmen and the way of self-inquiry, it presents an honest, no-nonsense revelation for spiritual aspirants who are ready to go beyond the limitations of popular religion, academic philosophy, physical exercise yoga and mental meditation.

$22.94, 508 pp.
ISBN-13: 978-1-4415-4928-0

Pagan Astrology

Pagan Astrology
Raven Kaldera

In this unique approach to planetary magic, Raven Kaldera, a practicing astrologer and Pagan shaman, uses the commonalities and strengths of Western astrology and Pagan green magic to introduce a hands-on astrological practice that incorporates intuition, spells and other modes of folk magic into astrology.

$18.95, 368 pp.
ISBN-13: 978-1-59477-302-0

Wild Attraction

Wild Attraction
Paul and Patricia Richards

In their new book, international lecturers Paul and Patricia Richards overturn contemporary assumptions about romantic love and propose a stunning new model of relationship, one that takes into account the far-reaching effects of subtle energy on the process of intimacy. Written for singles and couples, the narrative is woven around 59 concise Energetic Facts of Life, each an overturning of a commonly held but unworkable notion about the dynamics of male-female connection.

$16.95, 332 pp.
ISBN-13: 978-0-97644-012-3

The Physics of Miracles

The Physics of Miracles
Richard Bartlett

In the Physics of Miracles, Dr. Bartlett shows how to merge the science of subtle energy with our innate imaginations to tap into states of healthy awareness from different moments—in essence, travel in time—and bring them into the present for immediate, profound results. No practice or special training is required and transformation occurs in the blink of an eye.

$23.95, 224 pp.
ISBN-13: 978-1-58270-238-4

The Eleven Eternal Principles

The Eleven Eternal Principles
Carmen Harra

The Eleven Eternal Principles explains how we can make changes in our everyday lives that will take us out of suffering and into joy. It allows us to participate in a great evolution of consciousness. Comforting and empowering, this guide to a better life will reassure anyone feeling uncertain about where we are headed that better days are to come.

$16.95, 272 pp.
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-197-9